2024 OJUA Annual Meeting
September 12-13 at the Eagle Crest Resort in Redmond, OR.
Online registration for this event has closed.
Please contact the OJUA office at 503-378-0595
for additional information.
OJUA Standards Committee Releases
Updated Best Practices Guide
(aka the Standards Manual)
Best Practices Guide – Revised August 2024
OJUA Inspection Correction Efficiency Committee Publishes Findings & Guidelines
The OJUA’s Inspection Correction Efficiency Committee has published Findings & Guidelines for Joint Inspection Programs.
OJUA ICE Committee Findings and Guidelines.
OJUA Joint Inspection Subcommittee Releases
Best Practices Manual
The OJUA’s Joint Inspection Subcommittee has published a Joint Inspection Best Practices Manual. The manual provides photos of typical deviations from rules addressing the Communications Worker Safety Zone, Communication-to-Communication Clearances, and Interset Structure Clearances.
The Joint Inspections Best Practices Manual is currently being revised.
Standards Committee Work Product
OJUA Grandfathering Matrix
(updated September 2022)
Please Note: This document is intended to provide education on certain changes to the NESC over time. This is neither an official codebook nor an official interpretation of the rules. When constructing aerial facilities, please refer to the governing codes, such as the National Electrical Safety Code; National Electrical Code; Oregon Public Utility Commission Safety Rules; Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration, State, County and Municipal codes; and all other applicable standards, including contracts.
“All Utilities” Letters as Issued by Oregon Public Utility Commission
These documents are provided for historical reference only; in many cases they were written for a specific circumstance or situation and may or may not represent Safety Staff’s current position.
Standards Brochure – Revised July 2024
History of the OJUAIn November 1999 a task force was established by the Oregon Legislature to advise the Oregon Public Utility Commission at the direction of the Legislature, addressing issues pertaining to utility poles. The task force submitted proposed rules for determining appropriate sanctions for unauthorized attachments and criteria for certifying compliance with laws regulating pole attachments. The Oregon Joint Use Association (OJUA) was formed based on the initial work from the task force and the realization of what else needed to be accomplished to help the entire industry be successful. |
Our Mission |
Become a resource that builds trust, cooperation, and organization between support structure (pole) owners, users, and government entities that will result in a safe, efficient use of the Right of Way and a self-sustaining nonprofit association. |
Our Future |
Be a fully self-sustaining association that educates, establishes partnerships, and is the source of information and communication regarding the Joint Use Industry. |
Focus |
Benefits |